Featured Series: Bedsheets and Petals
Three-line poems that describe the conflicts between beauty, sadness, fear, and desire.
Featured Post: Dandelion Ballerina
I want wrists curved like butterfly wings; a jawline arched like the vein of a leaf; a ribcage like a harp. I will sway to music-box melodies beside the daisies: the dandelion ballerina…
Featured Series: My Nature Series
A collection of pieces that revolve around the nature and nurture creation of a human being, told from the perspectives of air, water, earth, and fire.
Featured Post: Holding Breath in a Room Full of Air
She was trying desperately to break the boundaries of her being and bind her blemishes in bandages...

Tag Archives

Archive of posts published in the tag: dance


  I dream of a place where the sounds of waterfalls weave their way through nebula arches, where fish can dance in the sky among the fireworks, leaving trails of star-droplets for me to follow. *** I want to crawl on the scope…

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