Featured Series: Bedsheets and Petals
Three-line poems that describe the conflicts between beauty, sadness, fear, and desire.
Featured Post: Dandelion Ballerina
I want wrists curved like butterfly wings; a jawline arched like the vein of a leaf; a ribcage like a harp. I will sway to music-box melodies beside the daisies: the dandelion ballerina…
Featured Series: My Nature Series
A collection of pieces that revolve around the nature and nurture creation of a human being, told from the perspectives of air, water, earth, and fire.
Featured Post: Holding Breath in a Room Full of Air
She was trying desperately to break the boundaries of her being and bind her blemishes in bandages...

Tag Archives

Archive of posts published in the tag: experience

Learning to Fly

I’ve never been so tired – but it’s the kind of tired would you wait your whole life to feel because that’s how you know you are living this life with your whole heart and soul. *** I didn’t know it was possible…

The Shrinking Girl

  It happened in a subway sandwich shop, of all places. This is where you go to feel full, not empty; but there he was, watching us, hungry, licking his lips. I never thought about how easy it would be for someone unclasp…

Protector; Tormentor

Remember the moon survives, draws herself out crescent-thin, a curved woman. Untouchable, she bends around the shadow that pushes himself against her, and she   waits. Remember how you waited when the nights bled their darkness out like ink, to blacken the days…

Painting By Night

What do these texts suggest about an individual’s capacity for self-sacrifice in the face of compelling circumstances? (Polished Personal) Creative Response to “Dancer” with connections based on the imagery of darkness and light to represent confinement and freedom, the idea of a game…

Porcelain Berry Vines

What do these texts suggest about an individual’s response to the constraints of convention or circumstance? (Polished Personal) Creative Response to “Diary of a Piano-Tuner’s Wife” with connections based off ideas of rebellion and the imagery of gardening. Theme Statement: When individuals who have…

My Landscape

I have four fatal flaws; four which I must embrace; four which I must accept; four which I must experience my life through. I have four fatal flaws; four which I must apologise for; four which I must shed for better attributes; four…

My Sea

My sea is layered and lively, a collection of every part of me and unrestrained in the candor of its being. My sea is me. Their sea is surface and simple, a fraction of the truth and limited to what they are able…

Barren Hope

My mind lingers on hope. Even under the command to let go, even as I know nature has plucked me from the pool of my purpose, my mind lingers on the hope of being bound to a baby.   Rationality endeavors to bring…

My Sky

My sky was meant to be painted in the raw spectrum of the rainbow, where every color jumped in vibrant exclamations of wanting to be great. Every hue in my sky was meant to be lurid and glaring, flaming in its brilliance, thriving…

Quixotry As it Dies

Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the significance of idealism and truth in an individual’s life. (Polished Critical) Aspiring to our ideals is instinctual. Idealism – the forming and pursuing of conceptually perfect desires – is…

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